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  • Emotion-Focused Therapy

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    Does your relationship feel stuck? Do you and your partner find it hard to control your reactions? Does it feel hopeless to move forward when there is so much miscommunication? Do you wish you had a way to reconnect to the love you used to know?

    If you answered yes to any of the above, I can help.

    Emotion-Focused Therapy or EFT is a focused way of working with couples wanting to strengthen their connection- encompassing premarital counseling to those trying to find their way back to each other after a relational trauma (e.g. infidelity, loss, life transitions).

    EFT is an approach which involves in-depth emotional exploration and accessible behavioral tools to enable clients to begin the healing process. EFT is best known as a cutting edge, tested and proven couple intervention, but it is also used to address individual depression, anxiety and post traumatic stress (EFIT – Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy) and to repair family bonds (EFFT – Emotionally Focused Family Therapy). This model changes core organizing factors in both the self and key relationships (

    EFT helps couples to:

    • Welcome, allow and foster the creation of a secure bond between partners
    • Create a positive shift in partners by bringing more awareness to their negative cycle and how to change it
    • Enable clients to move into the openness, responsiveness and full engagement that characterizes secure relationships

    Unlike other therapeutic approaches, EFT assumes that our relationships can be a source of healing.

    Contact us today. We look forward to speaking with you about how we can help.