Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (850) 450-0036

  • Our Services

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    Let's get started

    Society tells us “just be happy”, but we still feel sad, lonely, and numb.

    Some of the daily messages we hear (or tell ourselves) are variations of “armor up”, “suck it up”, or “push through”. What do these messages tell us about our feelings of sadness, numbness, anxiousness, and hurt? Is “push through” self-love?

    The bottom line:


    This belief impacts the way we see ourselves and the way we see others. Ultimately, it can wreak havoc on our lives and relationships!

    – Does it ever feel impossible to get past the self-criticism and negative tape playing in your head?

    – Does the saying “you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else” leave you feeling frustrated or confused?

    – Are you wondering “how can I love myself when I know who I’ve been and the things I’ve done”?


    We specialize in working with adults and couples of all ages who may be struggling with the very real effects of “never good enough”. Such as- low self-esteem, relationship problems, and difficulty overcoming life’s painful experiences.

    As the therapy process unfolds, you will develop a deeper understanding of who you are. With understanding comes an opportunity to extend compassion and loving-kindness to yourself.

    Change the belief of “never good enough” to “I am more than enough.” Let’s begin today.

    We specialize in treating individuals, couples and families and we offer comprehensive services dealing with:

    Pre-Marital Counseling

    Are you a newlywed? Did you just get engaged? Are you and your partner looking to take your relationship to the next level? When you’re considering marriage, deciding on your honeymoon or figuring out where you want to live are among the first things you start to plan. Premarital counseling might be last on your list, if it’s there at all. While it’s not an engagement topic that’s very fun or romantic, premarital counseling can set your marriage up to succeed and survive long-term, in spite of the odds. Premarital counseling can…


    Do you need support, but can’t make it to an in-person appointment? Are you a busy stay-at-home or working parent, and don’t have the time to drive across town for an appointment? Do you live in a more rural area, or maybe you prefer to just do things Virtually? If so, we can help you through virtual therapy, or telehealth. Telehealth allows us to provide counseling and therapy to our clients via live video conferencing. This can be done anywhere you have a computer or smartphone. Telehealth appointments can be very beneficial…

    Reach out to us today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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